We can organize to get moved up on ODOT’s sound wall schedule

ODOT has already determined that Franklinton qualifies for a sound wall—

however the current plan classifies it as a Type 1 Sound Wall, meaning it will only be built when the next major highway project happens in this area. Right now, that isn’t scheduled to even start bidding until 2035, and the wall itself may not be completed until 2050. You can find Franklinton on the ODOT’s Upcoming Noise Wall Projects list, 2nd to the last, scheduled for bidding in 2035.

That means for the next 25 years, we have no barrier between our homes, schools, and public spaces and the noise and pollution from I-70.

But there is another option—a Type 2 Sound Wall.

A Type 2 Sound Wall is a retrofit noise barrier that can be built independently of a highway construction project. These walls are specifically designed for neighborhoods that predate the highway, which Franklinton does.

Unlike a Type 1 Sound Wall, which is automatically included in new highway projects, a Type 2 Sound Wall requires a community application process and resident support.

We plan to begin organizing in Spring 2025: completing the ODOT application for a Type 2 wall, gathering neighborhood signatures, and garnering support for the project from our elected officials.

Fill out this form to let us know that you’d like to be involved: